來自台灣小品 - 蝸牛生纖面膜
From Taiwan EVERBELLA - snail facial mask
Made of feed material by fiber with a unique technology to manufacture
The material of the mask is really special
而且台灣的新聞有報導過 , 一片面膜要用上 700 隻蝸牛的黏液
Taiwan News reported, one of a mask need 700 snail mucus to made it
注意面膜的底面也有珍珠紙 , 像我這樣敷面膜是不可行的
Note the top and bottom of the mask have a pearl paper ,
Like me, it is not feasible to apply the mask
We should also torn blue paper
Take a look at before
最近過敏變嚴重了, 臉也紅紅的
I recently have been serious allergic , and my face get flushed
我最近有做打斑 , 整個臉也變得很乾
I recently had to do the laser, the entire face becomes very dry
And my face have some scars
敷上面膜大約 25 分鐘
Using the mask about 25 minutes
You will feel the mask get thin when you apply
I think it tightens the skin also has a good effect
當你敷完後把面膜拿下來 , 它的質感變得像塑膠袋
When you took down the mask , its texture becomes like a plastic bag
This material is much better than paper
It will not absorb the moisture of your face
This shooting which is I used 3 times
雖然光線略有不同 , 但明顯看到泛紅的情況改善了
Although slightly different light , But clearly see the reddish improved
我右眼偏右的位置 , 有一個傷口是貓抓的
My right eye right position , There is a cat scratch wounds
它的顏色變得越來越淡 , 摸上去也變得平滑了
Its color becomes more and more light , and I feels smoothly
Its repaired force is really very powerful
Whitening with moisturizing I think it is very good too
In fact, Taiwan snail products have been keeping up with the world level
不少專家還專程去台灣參觀 EVERBELLA 的廠房
Many manufacturers also made a special trip to Taiwan to visit EVERBELLA factory
不說不知 , 原來台灣在蝸牛粹取原液技術已經超越韓國
In fact , Taiwan snail extract dope technology has been more powerful than South Korea
這次真的是遇上好東西了 ~ 希望大家喜歡我的介紹吧
This time I met a good thing ~ I hope you like my presentation
小嬌寫文寫好久的 而你推文只要一秒鐘
幫忙推一下啦 ~!!
感謝 !
哪裡有賣 ?!
謝謝 Everbella
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